Black, White really what is the issue???
Last week I saw the beginning of a series on FX called Black.White. (see other website on this show here CLICK ME) and if you haven't seen it I strongly recommend you do. I comes on at 10 pm EST so if you can't see it or won't be in to see it I strongly suggest recording it.
Here is the short description: They have 2 families involved in the supposed "for tv" experiment. One black family from suburban Atlanta (Father, Mother, Teenage Son) and one white family from California (Father, Mother, Teenage Daughter) living in a house together. They have all agreed to be made up as opposite colors (example: black family + makeup = white family) to see what it is like to be the other color. Off the gate I knew this was going to be interesting.
But as interesting as it was it began to make me think. As I sat there and watch the show I saw 2 different things take place. I saw the white man show his lack of knowledge on racism because the real only identifying factor of racism to him was a white person calling a black person NIGGER. Personally I felt he used the word one too many times. Now it wasn't the word but it was the way he said it that made my skin crawl. I felt like he really meant it.
The other thing was watching the anger in the black man come out. His converastions when he interacted with the white guy during their discussions seemed to be just a little on the angry side. Mind you the white guy then tried to place the mental game. "If you treat people with respect, they will treat you the same." Was one of his comments to the black guy. That is not always true. My wife, daughter and I began to dialog just a little on this from the black/white perspective.
I told them of my experience christmas shopping last year. I was working down the road from Tyson's Corner at the Northrop Grumman building.
*SIDE NOTE* Oh yes I am going to talk about it soon enough.
And since the mall was up the road I figured when I got off I would go there to pick a few things up. Almost every store I went in (mind you I was dressed casual and in some cases had on slacks, nice shoes and shirt) I was either followed, not offered any assistance, or treated as though I could not afford it...You know the situation where the salesperson points you or tries to guide you to the less exspensive item even though you have already told them what you specifically want.
Not it was bad enough working with a white guy from West Virginia (who happened to be the site lead) who did not have any respect for me. Let's be real he hated me. This guy would go out of his way to find something wrong with me. I had been threatened to be wrote up because of something he was wrong on, had my ID taken because of something he was wrong on, and falsely accused by him and NOBODY...and I do mean NOBODY did anything to him when it was told that he was wrong. 8, 9, sometimes 10 hours of this crap from him and then I go to a mall and get the same vibe...come on...what is the issue here? My money is just as green as the other persons.
But that ddn't stop me from shopping. Now where was the respect really shown? I probably showed more respect by not letting my fustration show and continuing to shop and continuing to work. Truth be told there were quite a few times I could have gotten myself fired and really wouldn't have cared but I am looked up to by many and I have come too far to go back. When a black man (not forgetting the black woman at all in this) chooses to share the many hardships growing up and how they were determined to be something or living through poverty, abuse to them or by them, growing up in the streets but surviving it all to become something positive why is he not respected?
One of the things pointed out to me in a conversation about this show was the black family did live in the suburbs. I don't feel that makes them any less qualified because I don't know their story. But I do know they have probably and maybe even still are subjected to the mental racism of today. Since they can't whip you or hang you, they will play with your head. They meaning anyone who is racist and you know who you are.
Now for the children...the daughter does show her interst in learning but she also shows signs of not being able to handle what is about to come. The son really doesn't care because he is not exspose to it so he just wants to pass. PASS??? This is not a test where you get a grade. This is your life in 5 to 10 years from now when you have to get out here and do it yourself. I hope his eyes get opened up.
Anyway I will be watching tonight and be rest assured of one thing...If it is from my heart, it will be right here for you to see.
Later Ya'll